Thursday 8 March 2007

White-Lies & Tales

Have you ever wonder why we all tell lies, may be this may be down to life experiences and things and people we all growed-up- with- influences us to tell lies and lies is a part of life and is a part of living............Everyone tells lies, even the Queen...yaya

But if you remeber president Bill clinton Famous words i did not have sexual relationship with that woman.......,,,,,,,,,,How Rude

We all seems to tell lies......... basically these lies seems to help us get out of trouble for many reason.... ..., and for some-others -they tells-lies for meaning less reasoned and ignore the consequences.

I remember back in the days, when i was younger- my friends and I wanted to have a party in with their boy-friends.

So one of my friend mum mostly worked night and so she said we could all have a get together at her house and so she invited her boy-friend over and so did my next friend. later my other friend turn up by herself and later i told my parents i was going over- around my friends house to see her & her mum will also be there.........
And so I later I ask my parents if i could go-they said yes, has long as I will be back home for 9pm, 10pm the most because it was the weekend. my parents was also going out that night and normally they're back around 6am in the morning because of the weekend................ so- I had everything planned and ready and waiting.................
That night everyone turned up and so the party-bash begined and the party was sweet, lots of jokes, lots of drinks, the cheapest we could afford mainly 20/20-malibu-and-QC and lots of entertainment- and basically socialising and having a good time.
The party was so-sweet-I-forgot the time..........We all were just being teenagers and having a good time, then later we heard a car pulled-up on the drive-way..........we all thought it was-my friend mum-back- ...but was too- early, we all froze...............

Two sencond later the guys in the house-disapeared ...........just disapeared.... could be it they were know where to be seen or found......I couldn't believed it
my friend did not know what to do she just froze............and did not know what to do.............

We were all drunk and the guys just went through the back door and through the garden and jump over the fence- and the other- went into the cupboard.........

We just did not know how he did fit in that cupboard upto today...because the cupborad was just too small

Anyway, two second later we heard the door bell ring............we were just a bite cofuse because.. if its her mum she got her own set of keys and we were just puzzled and just wondering who could be at the door at this time of the moring..........this was happening at around 3:30am in morning.
my friend went to answer the door-she was so nervous-she was shaking and wondering if her mum for forgot her keys.

So later she went and answer the door-suprised-suprised it was my step-mum-I nearly- run through the roof and shit-my self because- this was unexpected.

I was so drunk i could not hide-this-I-just did not know what to do........that night thank god she never came in or ask to speak to my friend mum becaused she normally parked at the back.....

That night i was so drunk and in shock-I couldn't even put my shoes on or coat on .....I just got in the car and went home.

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