Sunday 15 April 2007

Why- Do- People- Shop-lift

There are many reasons why casual shoplifters steal and for teens, peer pressure can be a factor, they want to have the same expensive, stylish clothes they see their classmates wearing. Some people may also shoplift to prove that they fit in with friends who shoplift.
But many people who shoplift can't explain why they do it. These are some
reason why teenagers shoplift, this could be because they:
think the stores can afford the losses
think they won't get caught
don't know how to handle temptation when faced with things they want
feel peer pressure to shoplift
don't know how to work through feelings of anger, frustration, depression, unattractiveness, or lack of acceptance
Unfortunately, it's easy for shoplifting to become an addiction and so shoplifting becomes a habit that's hard to break.
Because a lot of people think they won't get caught when they shoplift, they don't understand what it can mean to their lives if they do. Stores and law enforcement officials take shoplifting very seriously. Some of the things that can happen to shoplifters are:
They may be arrested and paraded through a store in handcuffs.
They may be made to pay damages or even face charges for theft.
They may be banned from stores or malls.
Teens who have been arrested for shoplifting , especially if it's more than once, may end up with a criminal record, which can make it harder to get a job, get into college, or do the other things they want.
There's no typical shoplifter people of every sex, age, race, and social and economic background steal from stores and teenagers make up a large percentage of shoplifters.
When a store notices that many of their shoplifters happen to be teens, they tend to become suspicious of every student that comes into their store. This can be very frustrating for those youth who are paying customers , and this might actually discourage people from shopping there, causing them to spend their money else where, and this also results in less business for many stores.

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