Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Drama Motel: plaza girls night out

I alway enjog having girls night out, keeps me busy and take my mind off alot of things and most of I'm out with the girls just having lots of fun. I'm more of an active person, so I enjoy going bowling, playing football, going clubing and playing basketball.


Age? 22

Sex? Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? social policy & social care

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? No

If so, how? And if not, why not?

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? its OK

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? O.K

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? NO

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? SOMETIMES

What did you think of the module team? NEED TO GIVE MORE TIME & HELP WITH WORK TO STUDENTS

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? NO
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? YES
Information and talk from lecturers? OK

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yES

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? NO

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? NO

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? YES

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? DON'T KNOW

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? NO

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? YES

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? DON'T KNOW

What have you learned from the module? HOW TO SET UP A BLOGGER AND LEARN ABOUT BEING BAD

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? WEBLOG BECAUSE TEACHES ME HOW TO SET UP A WEBLOG

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? SOME TOPICS SUCH HAS RELIGIOUS BECAUSE I DON'T SEE IT HAS BEING BAD

ments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? NO

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Responding to Blog

I do agree with Whitney- on gambling.
I do think gambling is a waste of time and money, can make life

harder for some, and can make life easier for-some ……….but why take the risk………..
I do think gambling is an addiction once you start you cannot help

your self…………. And for some they can keep it under control and knows when to stop.

I don't agree or disagree with gambline but if you haven't got
the money why take the risk.


I think most people gamble because they either enjoy the game and some feel board they just got to keep spending and some are just addicted to the game.

Gambling occurs in many ways such as horse and dog tracks, off-track-betting, lotteries, casinos (slot machines, table games), bookmaking (sports books and horse books), card rooms, and bingo.

Gambling addiction can lead to debt, family disruption, job losses, criminal activity or suicide.
I think if you got spear money to burn (spend) why not enjoy your selves………but if it’s the last money you got I think that totally wrong and when you start taking money from people or family members you need help.
I think gambling can occur in many ways……… anyone can turn an addict.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Responding to Blog

Responding to
I do not agree with prostitutes out there........... that are only selling their bodies to support a drug addiction or are being forced to prostitute themselves against their will to benefit their spouse.
I don’t think prostitution is wrong or right……… but if that person willing to sleep with someone for money …it’s their choice …its their body…its their time and…….. its their life.
People can only give their opinion…..that is the only thing they can do.
Society is changing rapidly these days and I do think people are just up set about prostitution because most of them have grown into society and see prostitution has a bad thing.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Responding To Blogg

Responding to bloger view on KIDS

I do agree with this bloger…… because I think this film shows us what most young people are up-to and also shows us a lot about reality and everyday life.

This film also shows the consequence of unprotected sex can lead to and the consequence of taking drugs and drinking can all lead to danger… and these things are taking place every day in society.

Friday, 4 May 2007

Respong to blog

Dede-blog base on tattoos. I do agree with bloger view on tattoos I just think most people do this to express themselves………. Also because its their choice………and also because they got the money.
I also agree that society is getting more and more involve into tattoos and this does not mean a person is bad because they are marking their body.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Money Talks

I truly think money is power, but doesn't always give you everything.

People always saying money talk and I do believe it because when you haven't got any money you can't move, spend, buy and basically you just depressed and board.
money is a part of life and I joyed spending,......
but not money alone keeps me happy.

Thursday, 26 April 2007


My first reaction of this film was, how my god- what is going on- I can't believed what I'm seen, but then when you think relistic, this film has more truth, heart and drama (including great dramatic acting and scenes) that most films I've ever seen and basically, this film give you a taste of what is happening in society today.

I think this film show us whats happening in reality but , we just don't seem to hear about this much and the media just concentrate on politics too much and celebrities. There are so many teeenage pregancy each year and I do think children and young people need to be more educated and should be more aware of the danger of unprotected sex can lead STD'S and pregancy.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


Why so many people obssess with the herb, is it because it makes them feel good is it because, it gives the a buzz and a comfort zone. Marijuana's is also known has pot, weed, cannabis and herb.
do they know the affect, Some immediate physical effects of marijuana include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat. Studies of marijuana's mental effects show that the drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to do things which require concentration, swift reactions, and coordination, such as driving a car.

Monday, 23 April 2007


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Sunday, 22 April 2007

Friday, 20 April 2007


Have you ever been unfaithfull...think about it for a second........

Have you ever realised that there are more married couple that are unfaithful, cheat and

Betray there spous.............why married I wonder.
Have you ever been force to start a relationship to please your friends and family for the sake of it................ and later realise your mis-take.............

I think this is a big part of infedelity and this creates a lot of problems for people in there relationship after years of being in that relationship and for some they might last.
I think most people cheat because they are unfaithful or bored of their partners or just wants to experiment a little.

Thursday, 19 April 2007


Being religious

I think being religious isn't a bad thing. I think its good we all

believes in something.

There are many religion in the world and people believes in

different things.

I think people enjoy looking forward to things and especially their

religion, this could make them feel safe, comfort and again

something to believe in and this could also make them appriciate life.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Immatur Girls & Boys

Have you ever -wonder why some girls-&-Boys have so-much -dirty attitudes.....

even -when they go-out to places to socialised and even when they are around civilised people.....they just love to staired at people and start gigline with their friends and just start being rude,.... i think this is just all down to get attention and i also believed they may behave like this because of their age and experinces and the best thing to do is to ignore them.

Many girls-&-Boys just will never grow-up and basically will always create dramas wherever they go or socialised and basically will always be childish and they will never be ready for the real world.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Why- Do- People- Shop-lift

There are many reasons why casual shoplifters steal and for teens, peer pressure can be a factor, they want to have the same expensive, stylish clothes they see their classmates wearing. Some people may also shoplift to prove that they fit in with friends who shoplift.
But many people who shoplift can't explain why they do it. These are some
reason why teenagers shoplift, this could be because they:
think the stores can afford the losses
think they won't get caught
don't know how to handle temptation when faced with things they want
feel peer pressure to shoplift
don't know how to work through feelings of anger, frustration, depression, unattractiveness, or lack of acceptance
Unfortunately, it's easy for shoplifting to become an addiction and so shoplifting becomes a habit that's hard to break.
Because a lot of people think they won't get caught when they shoplift, they don't understand what it can mean to their lives if they do. Stores and law enforcement officials take shoplifting very seriously. Some of the things that can happen to shoplifters are:
They may be arrested and paraded through a store in handcuffs.
They may be made to pay damages or even face charges for theft.
They may be banned from stores or malls.
Teens who have been arrested for shoplifting , especially if it's more than once, may end up with a criminal record, which can make it harder to get a job, get into college, or do the other things they want.
There's no typical shoplifter people of every sex, age, race, and social and economic background steal from stores and teenagers make up a large percentage of shoplifters.
When a store notices that many of their shoplifters happen to be teens, they tend to become suspicious of every student that comes into their store. This can be very frustrating for those youth who are paying customers , and this might actually discourage people from shopping there, causing them to spend their money else where, and this also results in less business for many stores.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Chocolate lovers

Chocoholism is an addiction to chocolate and like other addictions, it can affect your health, although recent research seems to suggest that in moderation it can be beneficial. Unlike other addictions, it is not recognised as such, if you are depressed or "down", you are more likely to suffer from chocoholism.
Chocolate stimulates the "pleasure pathways" of the brain, hence it is believed to be an aphrodisiac. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, and boosts energy level At least 20% of the British populace suffers from chocoholism. £4 billion is spent each year on chocolate in Britain alone, about 75% of which is consumed by women and children. On average, each Briton eats around upto 17kg (upto 15lb) of chocolate per year and Low fat chocolate is becoming more popular.

Friday, 23 March 2007

Teenage Pregnancy

According to surveys, most UK teenagers would avoid pregnancy, and many teenage pregnancies are a mistake. Nevertheless, around 56,000 babies are born to teenage mothers in the UK every year.
For some teenagers, becoming a parent may not be a problem. Yet there are many teenagers who wish they had waited until they were older. Becoming a parent can be a scary, life-changing situation. It can put an end to school days or job plans, and teenage parents may not be ready or experienced enough to look after a child.

Rates of teenage pregnancy vary within the UK too and according to the Family Policy Studies Centre, women in poor inner city areas are six times more likely to get pregnant by the time they are 20 than in wealthier areas.
In 1999, the UK government announced plans to halve the rate of teenage pregnancy by 2010. Reproductive health care is seen as an important way of reaching this target without treating pregnant teenagers as bad or stupid. Instead, with effective reproductive health care, young people can learn the different choices available to prevent pregnancy if they choose to, and teenage parents can receive the support that they need.

Teenagers Worries about a pregnancy they have neither planned nor expected, many young women are forced to drop out of school or give up their jobs. Few know where to go for support.
Young men need support too yet their needs are often overlooked by family planning services. Nevertheless, young men need to learn to take responsibility for their sexual activity, whether to avoid STIs or to understand their roles as fathers.
Some projects are trying to give a real voice to young people, and find ways to help them on their own terms.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Drama Motel: Smoking

Drama Motel: Smoking

What are Junk foods

Junk food is a term describing food that is perceived to be unhealthy or having poor nutritional value, according to Food Standards Agency. Junk food typically contains high levels of fat, salt or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine; at the same time, it is lacking in proteins, vitamins and fiber, among others. It is popular with suppliers because it is relatively cheap to manufacture, has a long shelf life and may not require refrigeration. It is popular with consumers because it is easy to purchase, requires little or no preparation, is convenient to consume and has lots of flavor. Consumption of junk food is associated with obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities. There is also concern about the targeting of marketing at children.
fast food outlets such as hamburgers, and french fries supplied by companies such as McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut are often perceived as junk food whereas the same meals supplied by more up-market outlets such as Pizza Express or Nando's are not despite often having the same or worse nutritional content. Other foods such as Foie Gras, roast potatoes and bread are not considered junk food despite having limited nutritional content. Similarly, Breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high levels of sugar, salt and fat.
Many critics believe that junk food is not harmful when consumed as part of a balanced diet and some believe that the term should not be used at all.
Many people see some foods as 'good' and some foods as 'bad' and feel they are helping their health when they are eating 'good' foods and not when eating 'bad'. Healthy eating is all about achieving a balanced diet and to achieve this you should eat a variety of foods in moderation. Healthy eating can be achieved by following the Balance of Good Health (BOGH). This is a visual representation of how to achieve a balanced diet and is the UK National Food Guide:

Tuesday, 20 March 2007



Did you know smoking can cause hair loss, cataracts, wrinkles, deafness, mouth ulcers, rashes and tooth decay and its never too late to help yourself.

Most smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking and may think that they have a right to smoke; after all, it is not against the law. Perhaps it is not so simple. When a smoker ends up in hospital needing treatment for emphysema, or lung cancer, their treatment costs money. The National Health Service is paid for out of our taxes and their disease costs us money.

Smoking is an addiction, Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, coworkers and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke.
Among infants to 18 months of age, secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year. Secondhand smoke from a parent's cigarette increases a child's chances for middle ear problems, causes coughing and wheezing, and worsens asthma conditions.
If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are both non-smokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking.
Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies whose weights are too low for the babies' good health. If all women quit smoking during pregnancy, about 4,000 new babies would not die each year.

Thursday, 8 March 2007

White-Lies & Tales

Have you ever wonder why we all tell lies, may be this may be down to life experiences and things and people we all growed-up- with- influences us to tell lies and lies is a part of life and is a part of living............Everyone tells lies, even the Queen...yaya

But if you remeber president Bill clinton Famous words i did not have sexual relationship with that woman.......,,,,,,,,,,How Rude

We all seems to tell lies......... basically these lies seems to help us get out of trouble for many reason.... ..., and for some-others -they tells-lies for meaning less reasoned and ignore the consequences.

I remember back in the days, when i was younger- my friends and I wanted to have a party in with their boy-friends.

So one of my friend mum mostly worked night and so she said we could all have a get together at her house and so she invited her boy-friend over and so did my next friend. later my other friend turn up by herself and later i told my parents i was going over- around my friends house to see her & her mum will also be there.........
And so I later I ask my parents if i could go-they said yes, has long as I will be back home for 9pm, 10pm the most because it was the weekend. my parents was also going out that night and normally they're back around 6am in the morning because of the weekend................ so- I had everything planned and ready and waiting.................
That night everyone turned up and so the party-bash begined and the party was sweet, lots of jokes, lots of drinks, the cheapest we could afford mainly 20/20-malibu-and-QC and lots of entertainment- and basically socialising and having a good time.
The party was so-sweet-I-forgot the time..........We all were just being teenagers and having a good time, then later we heard a car pulled-up on the drive-way..........we all thought it was-my friend mum-back- ...but was too- early, we all froze...............

Two sencond later the guys in the house-disapeared ...........just disapeared.... could be it they were know where to be seen or found......I couldn't believed it
my friend did not know what to do she just froze............and did not know what to do.............

We were all drunk and the guys just went through the back door and through the garden and jump over the fence- and the other- went into the cupboard.........

We just did not know how he did fit in that cupboard upto today...because the cupborad was just too small

Anyway, two second later we heard the door bell ring............we were just a bite cofuse because.. if its her mum she got her own set of keys and we were just puzzled and just wondering who could be at the door at this time of the moring..........this was happening at around 3:30am in morning.
my friend went to answer the door-she was so nervous-she was shaking and wondering if her mum for forgot her keys.

So later she went and answer the door-suprised-suprised it was my step-mum-I nearly- run through the roof and shit-my self because- this was unexpected.

I was so drunk i could not hide-this-I-just did not know what to do........that night thank god she never came in or ask to speak to my friend mum becaused she normally parked at the back.....

That night i was so drunk and in shock-I couldn't even put my shoes on or coat on .....I just got in the car and went home.

plaza girls night out


I think people who are willing to pay for sex are the people who need help. I think men who use women to sell their body and use their body for personal use are the real criminals.

I don’t think prostitution is wrong or right thing……….. but I do think if that person wants to sell their body its their choice and its their life, but if that person is willing to sell their body for drugs is wrong…. but that is my opinion, again that’s their choice and life.